More patients are seeking information about the option of 3D areola tattooing following a mastectomy.

At Garnet Tattoo, we are dedicated to providing clients with essential information and a professional, caring environment to explore the possibility of 3D areola tattoos. Our online resources include comprehensive sections on medical tattooing, proper aftercare, and specialized mastectomy tattoos. For any inquiries or in-depth questions, please do not hesitate to directly reach out to our team of experts, committed to supporting you throughout your journey.

Before initiating the process of areola reconstruction tattoos, we want to know if you have any questions.  You'll be able to see our clean professional environment, check out photographs of past work, read testimonials from other clients, and see if a post-mastectomy tattoo is right for you.

Already decided an areola tattoo after your mastectomy is the right option? Then after our consultation, the tattoo begins.

Once you're confident with the design, we develop the color of that fits you best.

How bad does it hurt? That depends. Some clients have said that their areola tattoos were their least painful. Once the tattooing itself is complete, we will apply a light layer of topical ointment and place bandages, before consulting on proper tattoo aftercare.

Often times, the 3D areola tattooing performed by surgeons can be either too indistinct or extremely unrealistic in appearance. Garnet Tattoo uses Shane's extensive tattoo experience to provide a unique, realistic set of areolas that evokes a 3D, protruding appearance.

At Garnet Tattoo, helping the brave breast cancer warriors regain their physical appearance bring us personal satisfaction.